newfoundland stamp 259 corner brook paper mill 8 1942

Newfoundland Stamp #259 - Corner Brook Paper Mill (1942) 8¢

Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.25
 Only 1 in Stock

Mint - Fine to Very Fine Never Hinged (M-F-VFNH)
Cv. $2.30
USD $2.00
 In Stock

Mint - Fine Never Hinged (M-FNH)
Cv. $1.56
USD $1.55
 In Stock

Mint - Very Fine (M-VF)
USD $2.00
 In Stock

Mint - Fine (M-F)
USD $1.25
 In Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
USD $1.00
 In Stock

Used - Fine (U-F)
USD $0.70
 In Stock

Used - Defect (U-DEF)
USD $0.21
 In Stock

Mint - Very Good Never Hinged (M-VGNH)
USD $0.94
 Out of Stock

Mint - Very Good (M-VG)
USD $0.75
 Out of Stock

Mint - Defect (M-DEF)
USD $0.38
 Out of Stock

Mint - Space Filler (M-FIL)
USD $0.19
 Out of Stock

Used - Very Good (U-VG)
USD $0.42
 Out of Stock

Used - Space Filler (U-FIL)
USD $0.11
 Out of Stock

Plate Block - VFNH (PB)
Cv. $18.00
USD $13.50
 Out of Stock

Plate Block - FNH (PB-FNH)
Cv. $12.00
USD $9.00
 Out of Stock

Plate Block Mint-VF (PB-MVF)
Cv. $12.00
USD $9.00
 Out of Stock

Plate Block Mint-F (PB-MF)
Cv. $8.00
USD $6.00
 Out of Stock


Corner Brook paper mill

Country Newfoundland
#Scott NF259
Issue Definitive Re-Issues Waterlow Printings
Name Corner Brook Paper Mill
Face Value
Date 1942-09-26
Colour Red
Perforation 12.5