canada stamp c air mail ce3 d c 4 m airplane 17 1946

Canada Stamp - C - Air Mail #CE3 - D.C. 4-M Airplane (1946) 17¢
Incorrect circumflex accent of EXPRÊS

Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
Cv. $11.25
USD $8.45
 In Stock

Mint - Fine Never Hinged (M-FNH)
Cv. $5.00
USD $3.75
 In Stock

Mint - Very Fine (M-VF)
Cv. $7.50
USD $5.65
 In Stock

Mint - Fine (M-F)
Cv. $4.00
USD $3.00
 Only 1 in Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
Cv. $7.00
USD $5.25
 Only 1 in Stock

canada stamp c air mail ce3 d c 4 m airplane 17 1946 PB UL %231
Plate Block (Upper Left) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-UL-#1)
Cv. $56.25
USD $42.20
 Only 1 in Stock

canada stamp c air mail ce3 d c 4 m airplane 17 1946 PB UR %231
Plate Block (Upper Right) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-UR-#1)
Cv. $56.25
USD $42.20
 Only 1 in Stock

canada stamp c air mail ce3 d c 4 m airplane 17 1946 PB LL %231
Plate Block (Lower Left) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-LL-#1)
Cv. $56.25
USD $42.20
 Only 3 in Stock

canada stamp c air mail ce3 d c 4 m airplane 17 1946 PB LL 1 004
canada stamp c air mail ce3 d c 4 m airplane 17 1946 PB LL 1 004
Plate Block (Lower Left) - VF - Plate #1 (PB-LL-#1-004)
Hinged. Slightly detached.
Cv. $37.50
USD $25.00
 Only 1 in Stock

canada stamp c air mail ce3 d c 4 m airplane 17 1946 PB LR %231
Plate Block (Lower Right) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-LR-#1)
Cv. $56.25
USD $42.20
 Only 3 in Stock

Mint - Very Good Never Hinged (M-VGNH)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.25
 Out of Stock

Mint - Very Fine no gum (M-VFNG)
Cv. $7.50
USD $4.50
 Out of Stock

Mint - Very Good (M-VG)
Cv. $2.40
USD $2.00
 Out of Stock

Mint - Defect (M-DEF)
USD $1.20
 Out of Stock

Mint - Space Filler (M-FIL)
USD $0.60
 Out of Stock

Used - Fine (U-F)
Cv. $3.50
USD $2.65
 Out of Stock

Used - Very Good (U-VG)
Cv. $2.10
USD $2.00
 Out of Stock

Used - Defect (U-DEF)
USD $1.05
 Out of Stock

Used - Space Filler (U-FIL)
USD $0.53
 Out of Stock


D.C. 4-M airplane. 17¢. Mistaken Circumflex accent "Ê" on the second "E" of "EXPRÊS" (from french). Canada air mail special delivery stamp CE3 from the peace issue set.

Country Canada
#Scott CE3
Issue Air Mail Special Delivery Stamps
Name D.C. 4-M Airplane
Face Value 17¢
Date 1946-09-16
Variety Incorrect circumflex accent of EXPRÊS
Colour Bright ultramarine
Perforation 12
Printer Canadian Bank Note Company

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