canada stamp bk booklets bk246 picture postage 2001
canada stamp bk booklets bk246 picture postage 2001

Canada Stamp Booklet - #BK246 Picture Postage (2001) 5 x 47¢
Booklet of 5 stamps (#1918 in cover)


BK246a glued flap (UPC barcode 02040 7) (A)
USD $10.00
 Out of Stock

BK246b open cover (UPC barcode 02041 4) (B)
USD $10.00
 Out of Stock


Country Canada
#Scott BK246
Issue Picture Postage
Name Picture Postage
Face Value 5 x 47¢
Date 2001-09-21
Variety Booklet of 5 stamps (#1918 in cover)
Colour Multicoloured
Perforation Serpentine Die Cut 11.7
Paper JAC - JAC Paper Canada
Tag GT4 - General Tagging along all edges of stamp
Printer Ashton-Potter Canada Ltd.

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