canada stamp 454d queen elizabeth ii northern lights 1968

Canada Stamp #454d - Queen Elizabeth II & Northern Lights (1968) 5 x 1¢, 5 x 4¢
DF, DEX, single with straight edge, from 454b or 454c

SKU: CAN-0454D
Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
USD $0.25
 In Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
USD $0.20
 In Stock


Northern Light 1¢ brown. Single with straight edge from 454b or 454c. DF, DEX. From the Centennial definitives issue.

Country Canada
#Scott 454d
Issue Centennial Definitives-Low Values 1967-1973
Name Queen Elizabeth II & Northern Lights
Face Value 5 x 1¢, 5 x 4¢
Date 1968-09
Variety DF, DEX, single with straight edge, from 454b or 454c
Colour Brown
Perforation 10
Printer British American Bank Note Company

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