canada collection 92e85e28 86e0 4611 8cd3 2b47898f49be
canada collection 92e85e28 86e0 4611 8cd3 2b47898f49be
canada collection 92e85e28 86e0 4611 8cd3 2b47898f49be
canada collection 92e85e28 86e0 4611 8cd3 2b47898f49be

Canada Collection



Two Red Lighthouse albums, like new, (1851-1996) with clear mounts for each space. It includes also the Newfoundland and Provincial pages. These two albums and pages would cost you $825.00 if purchased in new condition. There are several hundred mint stamps in the albums with many in the $1-12.00 Range. Also several used stamps, with some of value. Total face value of the mint stamps is $200.00±. We estimate the value of stamps and albums at $1350.00+.